- Anthony Dessalles.
- Born 09/03/1992 in Roanne, France.
- Email : anthony.dessalles@gmail.com.
- French driving licence since May 2010.
IT Skills
- Favorite language: PHP.
- Favorite framework: Symfony (since the version 2)
- Front : Connaissance en HTML5, CSS3 et JS.
- DB: MySQL (MariaDB)
- Resources : Bootstrap, jQuery, Gulp, FontAwesome...
- Project management
- Agile methodology development (scrum)
- Basic knowledge of SEO
- Basic knowledge of Java, Java (Android) and C++.
Complementary Info
- Fluent
- Full professional expertise
- Interested in technology and multimedia (apps, IT, computers, new technologies...)
- Sports (Football and Martial Arts)
- Music and Cinema
Favorite quotes
- « Mieux vaut être haï pour ce que l’on est qu’aimé pour ce que l’on est pas. » André Gide
- « Good people can do bad things, make bad decisions. It doesn’t make them bad people. » Sonia Sotomayor
- « It’s not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me. » Batman Begins
- « You aren’t train feel free to change your way. » Loesje